Thursday, September 29, 2016

Red Flags

Not all victims know they're in abusive relationships. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health provides the following checklist of red flags. You may be abused if your partner falls within these:
Check the pic above.

Why Men Don't Leave when Abused

It is widely reported that majority of domestic violence victims are women, abuse of men also happens daily. Typically, men are physically stronger than women but that doesn't necessarily make it easier to escape the violence. Figures suggest that as many as one in three victims of domestic violence are male. However, men are often reluctant to report abuse by women because they feel embarrassed, or they fear they won't be believed, or that police will assume that since they're male they are the perpetrator of the violence and not the victim.
People found it difficult understanding why a woman who is being abused doesn't simply leave. When the roles are reversed, and the man is the victim of abuse, people are more even bemused. Therefore, abused men may have to stay in the relationship because of these reasons:

  • May want to protect their children

They worry that if they leave, the spouse will harm the children or prevent them from having access to their children. Obtaining custody of children is always challenging for fathers.

  • They feel ashamed

Many men feel great ashame that they've been beaten down by a woman or failed in their role as protector and provider for the family. 

  •  Religious beliefs

 This dictates that you stay or your self-worth is so low that you feel this relationship is all you deserve.

  • Lack of resources

Many men have difficulty being believed by the authorities, or their abuse is minimized because they're male, and can find new resources to help abused men.

  • Same sex relationship 

Men in a same sex relationship but haven't come out to family, friends and are afraid their partner will out them.

  • Denial

Just as with female domestic violence victims, denying that there is a problem in the relationship will only prolong the abuse. You may believe that you can help your abuser or she may have promised to change. But change can only happen once your abuser takes full responsibility for her behaviour and seeks professional treatment.

Source: Helpguide

My Advice!

Sounds funny, but bitter truth! Shed tears for a good reason(joy).

Greedy Lion Gets Its Head Stuck In Dead Hippo's Bum

A greedy lion got more than it bargained for when it got its head stuck in the massive butt of a dead hippo. Probably excited at the sight of the meat lying there, forced its head down the smelly orifice.

Always good to be contented. Lol...

Attitude to Inspiration

Surround yourself with positive-minded people. It's a secret to your happiness and success.

Student Auctions Her Virginity

A 20-year-old Russian student simply known as Ariana has revealed she has decided to auction her virginity online with bids starting at £130,500 in order to pursue her medical studies abroad.
According to Ariana, she'll rather lose her virginity to gain the best of education than lose it to someone who will later break her heart.
Ariana says her parents don't know how she intends to get the money but that at the age of 20 she doesn't feel any need to hold on the virginity any longer with her education hanging in the balance.
She said:
"Many students have the issue that during their studies they have to deal with multiple problems. You have to go to work in order to pay for your education, want to move to another country for my studies in medicine. The university will be very expensive; the rent will also be high. I imagine that living in another country will be very hard, therefore I want to get the financial burden out of the way so I can focus on my medical studies."
Ariana describes herself as an "independent woman" and says that selling her virginity is her own choice.
"Why should I wait any longer? Why should I lose my virginity to someone who could then break my heart later?" She said

The Knots Prayer

So shall it be!

What Is The Correct Answer?

Can you try it?

Don't Do This. It Makes You Stupid!

This happens when you try harder to satisfy someone dearer to you while you are being taken for granted.

Rihanna Walks The Runway For Her Fenty-Puma Collaboration At The Paris Fashion Week

The 28-year-old singer debuted her SS17 collection at the Paris Fashion Week and looked undaunted as she took to the unchartered waters with her first foray in to the fashion industry. Strutting her stuff on the catwalk at the packed room in the Hotel de Salomon De Rothschild. She showed off pieces from her Fenty x Puma collaboration to the applause of guests.
See more photos:

Message From Shannon!

Shannon Thomas.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Be Yourself!

Man has always been hypocritical and unsatisfied in nature. The moment the fear of what people say about you dictates your action and inaction,  you remain their weapon of satisfaction. Be yourself, do what makes you happy and bring out the goodness in you.

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do

Assess yourself now!

A Happy Spouse Makes You Healthier

A happy spouse may make you not just happier, but healthier. It's not new that happiness is achieved by staying single, or by expressing gratitude to your spouse, or by having at lest 4 kids. The latest factor is having a happy partner. People with unhappy partners are more likely to report worse overall health, less exercise, and more physical impairments than those with happy partners. The 3 central causes are as follows: a happy spouse is more likely to have the energy to be a more proactive caregiver and partner, a happy spouse is more likely to engage in and thus reinforce healthy patterns such as regular exercise and sleep; and a happy spouse is less likely to cause their partner the stress and exhaustion of trying to cheer up or avoid upsetting them. Therefore, the mood and emotion of your spouse have a great effect on your health.

Enough Hope

Serena Smith.

Enough Is Enough

I had an opportunity to speak with group of people. We talked, laughed, and even exchanged contacts. But when I moved closer, I discovered the laughter was just to raise the cheeks and not genuine. I term this phenomenon "suffering and smiling" because 60 percent of them have been battered emotionally, while some are still suffering and smiling. I'm not against the "smiling" which rekindle their hope to freedom, but disturbed emotion kills faster than any disease. Now, it's okay not to be okay.

Letter From an Empath

How to recover from addiction

Simply put, an addiction is a habit or practice that damages, jeopardizes, or shortens one's life but when ceased causes trauma. Also, a pathological relationship to mood altering experience that has life damaging consequences.
It is widely believed that the disease-model of addiction sets some important parameters for treatment, but it is also necessary for issues of personal responsibility, spirituality and morality to be addressed. The following treatments can be useful:

  • Honesty

This is conscious inward and outward expressions of acceptance and denial. Telling the truth at most basic level will help a lot.

  • Patience

This is a quality of content to wait, ability to holdone's temper, not bothered with having to wait. This is one of the greatest characteristics of maturity as patience is not a factor of age. Patience also means accepting what you can change and accepting that change takes times. Anger disrupts connection.

  • Complacency

If you don't care about yourself or your recovery, it will be harder for others to do so. Being complacent about your situation won't lead to change. Working on developing enthusiasm will help. Enthusiasm is a choice.

  • Acceptance

Acceptance needs to be both intellectual and emotional for the strongest commitment to recovey. Once you can accept your present state, you can determine where you're headed.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Man gets rescued while attempting suicide

A young man was rescued while attempting to take his own life by jumping from a four-storey building popularly known as Garden City in Kampala, Uganda. The cause of this attempt is not yet known but frustration is the highest possibility. He was finally rescued and taken to the hospital where he's receiving a treatment.

More photos below...

Graphic photo: Man murders his pregnant wife and buries her body in a coal field

Tetchi Wyllifred, a young man who is currently on the run after he allegedly killed his pregnant wife and buried her in a coal field in Agboville, Ivory Coast. They are also parents to one child. One Francis N'goran Achi shared the news via facebook post.

More pics below:

Chibok girls: President Buhari invites UN as negotiator

As a commitment to swapping the abducted school girls from Chibok with Boko Haram fighters in prison, President Buhari told the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, that Nigeria would welcome intermediaries from the global body.

Speaking during a bilateral meeting with the UN scribe at the sidelines of the 71st UN General Assembly in New York, President Buhari said the Nigerian government was willing to bend over backwards, to get the Chibok girls released from captivity.

The challenge is in getting credible and bonafide leadership of Boko Haram to discuss with," the President said, adding that, "The split in the insurgent group is not helping matters. Government had reached out, ready to negotiate, but it became difficult to identify credible leaders. We will welcome intermediaries such as UN outfits, to step in." The President reiterated that the teachings of Boko Haram were far from being Islamic, as neither Islam, nor any other religion, advocates hurting the weak and inoccent. The fact that they kill men, women,  children and other people wantonly, and shout Allah Akbar(God is great) shows that they do not know that Allah at all. If they did, they would not shed innocent blood," President Buhari said. He thanked Ban Ki-moon for the moral and material support given to Nigeria, which has enabled the country surmount many of the challenges facing her. In his response, the UN Secretary General congratulated president Buhari on the anti-corruption war, declaring: "You are highly respected by world leaders including myself. Your persona has given your country a positive image." He said the UN reconized the achievements of Buhari administration against Boko Haram, urging that human rights be upheld always, to prevent a repeat of the scenario being witnessed in Syria. Ban Ki-moon also thanked the Nigerian leader for his commitment to issues on climate change, adding that the government should "own the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)," for the good of its citizens.

Nearly Half Japan's Millennials Are Virgins

With an aging generation of baby boomers weighing down what is already the world's oldest population, Japan has for years been trying to encourage its dwindle number of young people to marry and have children. A new government survey suggests that the country's millennials are not only in no hurry to marry, but apparently aren't in any rush to do the deed. To wit, a whopping 44% of women and 42% of men, amounting to nearly half of the country's millennial singles ages 18 to 34, say they are still virgin. But the percentage of these singles who say they hope to marry in the future is close to 90%.
"People marry later or stay single for life, contributing to the nation's low birthrate," the head researcher says. "They want to tie the knot eventually, but they tend to put it off as they have gaps between their ideals and the reality."

Rightly said!

My readers, a sister sent in these pics. So I felt I should share with you. What do you think

Woman's boyfriend murders her son after she left the toddler at home with him

Michael Moree is facing murder charges in Texarkana, Texas for the death of 2-year-old Kaderius King, who died from head trauma sustained when he was assaulted by Michael. Kaderius was at home with Michael while Kad's Mum was out for work. While at work, the mum got a call from Michael detailing the condition of her son but the son was pronounced dead at the hospital.

The autopsy showed the child died from head trauma. Michael is being held at Bowie County Jail on a first degree murder charge

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Taiwo, the alleged heart breaker responds to the allegations, says "She did something very strange, unforgivable and shameful to me"

This morning we reported a story of a heartbroken lady, Shalom Miriam Shehu who took to twitter to curse her fiancé of 3 years, Taiwo, after she found via Instagram, that he married another lady last weekend. Many online sympathizers have reacted to this story and Taiwo, the heart breaker, was forced to break his silence.

Taiwo explained why he did not marry Shalom Miriam, saying she did something shameful and unforgivable to him, he's no fraud and couldn't break up with her before leaving Nigeria because she could have shot him. She also said she didn't completely finance his education abroad.
Hmmmmm, what do you have to say?