Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A Happy Spouse Makes You Healthier

A happy spouse may make you not just happier, but healthier. It's not new that happiness is achieved by staying single, or by expressing gratitude to your spouse, or by having at lest 4 kids. The latest factor is having a happy partner. People with unhappy partners are more likely to report worse overall health, less exercise, and more physical impairments than those with happy partners. The 3 central causes are as follows: a happy spouse is more likely to have the energy to be a more proactive caregiver and partner, a happy spouse is more likely to engage in and thus reinforce healthy patterns such as regular exercise and sleep; and a happy spouse is less likely to cause their partner the stress and exhaustion of trying to cheer up or avoid upsetting them. Therefore, the mood and emotion of your spouse have a great effect on your health.

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