Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How to recover from addiction

Simply put, an addiction is a habit or practice that damages, jeopardizes, or shortens one's life but when ceased causes trauma. Also, a pathological relationship to mood altering experience that has life damaging consequences.
It is widely believed that the disease-model of addiction sets some important parameters for treatment, but it is also necessary for issues of personal responsibility, spirituality and morality to be addressed. The following treatments can be useful:

  • Honesty

This is conscious inward and outward expressions of acceptance and denial. Telling the truth at most basic level will help a lot.

  • Patience

This is a quality of content to wait, ability to holdone's temper, not bothered with having to wait. This is one of the greatest characteristics of maturity as patience is not a factor of age. Patience also means accepting what you can change and accepting that change takes times. Anger disrupts connection.

  • Complacency

If you don't care about yourself or your recovery, it will be harder for others to do so. Being complacent about your situation won't lead to change. Working on developing enthusiasm will help. Enthusiasm is a choice.

  • Acceptance

Acceptance needs to be both intellectual and emotional for the strongest commitment to recovey. Once you can accept your present state, you can determine where you're headed.

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